Monday, June 30, 2014


Next up in this short n' sweet Q&A thing, we have Ornamental Conifer. His work speaks for itself and is in a class of its own. Hot rods, helmets, tanks, a hunk of fuckin' wood- this dude doesn't bat a lash at the substrate.. he just does his thing and does it well. Here are some of his recent works, but it'd be worth spending some time here to get the big picture:

1. Age, Location, etc.
30, Somewhere between England, Australia and America..

2. What got you into painting / lettering and when did it happen?
I got into painting because it kept me from doing stupid shit..

3. Your work has really enabled quite a bit of traveling. What was the weirdest situation you've gotten yourself into?
The weirdest situation I ever found myself in whilst traveling for work was breaking into my friends shop at five in the morning with a pocket full of bad ideas and setting off the alarm, then running home to tell my friend only to find him with the police and clearing things up, he then, out of the kindness of his heart, drove me back to the shop so I could carry on painting. (Sorry T.D)

4. Favorite pizza topping and preferred beverage to wash it down?
Pepperoni and Coopers Sparkling Ale

5. Any particular motorcycle adventures that stick out in your mind?
I rode to Norway with my dad, and learnt a lot, mainly that Japanese bikes never break down.

6. CC's or CI's?
Depends on the rain.

7. What are your top 5 go-to albums to put on before you get to work on a new piece or project?
TREX, Immortal Technique, Braintax, Kadavar, Scabs (UK)

8. Which Biltwell helmet do you have and can you give us a taste of what you plan on doing to it?
I have the matte black gringo and all I can say that its gonna be heavy...

Be at Heavy Heads so you can see Ornamental Conifer's work with your own two eyes! Thanks for answering our dumb questions, Nico! 


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